
Yaoi bl games on steam
Yaoi bl games on steam

yaoi bl games on steam
  1. #Yaoi bl games on steam Patch
  2. #Yaoi bl games on steam professional
  3. #Yaoi bl games on steam series

Amazingly, it was the first yaoi game to ever see commercial release in the US, and there haven’t been many to follow. Enzai is famous for being one of the most twisted yaoi games there is. The art style is definitely not for everyone, and neither are the brutal themes. While undergoing every kind of torment in prison, he tries to find evidence and information around the case that will help prove his innocence. Guys is a petty thief in early 19th century France, who finds himself sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a man he has never met. Seems simple, right? However, Sora and Sunao both have alternate personalities, who will possess them whenever they feel like, and also happen to be lovers… Sukisho! First Limit is available to play in English using a patch, however, none of the other games have been translated at this point. The story follows Sora and his mysterious roommate Sunao, who he allegedly knows from childhood but doesn’t remember. First Limit is the first of the four games that expand on the characters and storyline introduced in the anime, bringing further depth and drama to balance out the light moments seen in the show.

#Yaoi bl games on steam series

Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shouganai!!, commonly known as Sukisho!, is a popular BL series that many people are familiar with from the anime adaptation in 2005.

#Yaoi bl games on steam Patch

An English patch is available for this game. Silver Chaos is quite an old title now, and you can sort of tell from looking at it, but the art is still really pretty. Silver Chaos is a more typically fantasy title, which is unusual in the yaoi genre, and makes for a great change of pace. On his quest to find Adonis, Might encounters an array of beautiful strangers – some willing to join him and others who oppose him. Might’s childhood friend, Adonis, uses a dark spell to save his life, but, when Might awakes, Adonis is nowhere to be found. Orphaned during a terrible war with the demonic entity Hadeus, Might dreams of becoming a solider in the Royal Army. During his training one day, he falls off cliff and is severely injured.

yaoi bl games on steam

A lot of these games are very divisive, and enjoyment largely comes down to personal taste.

#Yaoi bl games on steam professional

Some of these have professional English versions that are available for purchase, others rely on dedicated fan patches, but none of them are for the faint of heart (or anyone under 18). PS: My one issue is, that maybe because I haven't played it through yet, none of the HellFone apps work besides save/load settings and the occasional message I may get.Here’s a list of 10 of the best yaoi games in English. Should any dlc or more come for this game, you have my support! I didn't support you before as I don't trust Kickstarter campaigns as we see how those can turn out. I'm still playing, currently going from top to bottom, now at Pride route, and have to say Pride's voice actor is just the best, that character comes alive. I find the voice acting perfect, having played other games I find the voices more fitting than in Y Press games, also since it's not just partial I feel like I pay more attention to the story, don't necessarily skip over things, and it definitely makes the routes longer, just speedreading text in most games can shorten a route so much that a game feels like the player didn't get their money's worth, but I don't feel that way at all. And I've been surprisingly content with it. So even before getting the reply to my question, I bought the game. Unless Sloth and Gluttony have passive power that just makes ppl who are around them more sleepy/hungry. But you don't really get to see the other sins powers. Greed can make people gamble impulsively. Only sad thing is, it would have been interesting to delve more into the other sin's abilities. (Sorry, was just playing for Glutt's true ending, and it got me fangirling again. Though we might not make it considering my love for Hawaiian pizza. Lust who wants sex and Greed who wants more of everything.īut lets not forget the big teddy bear, Gluttony. I love confident men, I love smirks, I love a guy that wants to rule the world, I love his voice and appearance, and I love the fact that he just fits with Lust. Even a meteor shower date? As a space nerd, that won my heart.īut.Greed.Greed is 100% my type. So Envy surprised me with how much my type he was. When I first saw the game, I thought Envy, Pride, and Wrath would be my least fave.

Yaoi bl games on steam